Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I get a second opinion?

  • You left your previous dental office feeling confused or with unanswered questions.

  • Your treatment plan is very expensive.

  • You were told you have more problems than you expected.

  • You’re concerned about the risks of a procedure.

  • Your insurance won’t cover all or part of the procedure.

I don’t have an x-ray, can the dentist still answer my question?

  • Yes, although the information will be more generalized.

  • Choose the Limited Consultation package.

  • If the dentist can’t provide a second opinion, you'll receive an explanation and a refund.

What is the difference between a 2TH Second Opinion and a dental exam?

  • A dental exam includes x-rays and a live interaction with a dentist, where the dentist makes a diagnosis and provides a treatment plan.

  • A 2TH Second Opinion does not involve a live interaction with a dentist. It offers a licensed dentist's opinion on an existing diagnosis and treatment plan without providing a new one.

How much does a 2TH Second Opinion cost?

  • A Limited Consultation for $150 is ideal if you have 0 to 4 x-rays and concerns about only one tooth.

  • For multiple teeth and a full-mouth series of x-rays, the Complete Consultation for $200 is the best choice.

Is my 2TH Second Opinion HSA/FSA Eligible? 

  • Yes! You can either pay with your HSA/FSA card, or you can pay out of pocket and reimburse yourself later. Make sure to save your receipt!

What if I don’t qualify for a 2TH Second Opinion? 

  • We will explain why you don’t qualify and may request additional information. If you cannot provide the required information, we will issue a refund.

How long does a refund take?

  • Once a refund is issued, it will take 5-10 business days to appear on your statement.

I have two different dental questions, do I have to pay twice?

  •  If you have multiple dental questions, we recommend you select the Complete Second Opinion package.

Additional questions?  

  • Email us at