Honest dentist holding X-ray, second opinion available to reduce cost and pain

Do I really need a root canal?

My tooth doesn’t hurt.

The answer is…maybe.

Save time, reduce cost, and increase confidence by getting a second opinion from a U.S.-licensed dentist.

How It Works

  • Complete Questionnaire

    Fill out our brief HIPAA-compliant questionnaire, upload x-rays/photos, and submit payment.

  • Get a Second Opinion

    Receive a second opinion from one of our licensed dentists within 48 hours.

  • Make a Decision

    Make an informed decision on whether or not to proceed with the original treatment plan.

Why Choose 2TH

  • Save Money

    Save Money

    • In the US. the average cost of a complete exam is $230.49.

    • The average cost of a root canal done by a specialist is $2099.69, and the average cost of a crown is $1495.57.

    • A second opinion might not be covered by insurance due to frequency limitations.

  • Save Time

    Save Time

    • No need to find a new office, make/go to an appointment, suffer through new x-rays, or meet a whole new healthcare team.

    • No telehealth or virtual visits required.

  • Minimize Pain

    Minimize Pain

    • We can use the x-rays and photos you already have to provide you with a second opinion.

    • No uncomfortable poking or prodding - we are completely online!

  • Reduce Anxiety

    Increase Confidence

    • Get an unbiased opinion from a US-licensed dentist who is NOT directly profiting from the treatment recommended.

    • Feel confident in proceeding with the recommended treatment or choosing a new dental office after your independent review.

Happy Customers

  • “2TH helped me resolve to not return to my dentist for a filling, and instead try a new dentist when I get a cleaning in six months.”

    Jordan P., Oakland

  • "I had just a small toothache but according to my dentist it was going to be a big deal and the treatment he recommended was expensive, confusing and scary. In the past I always just went with whatever the dentist said, but this time I wasn't so sure. I found 2th Second Opinion and was provided with a detailed report explaining everything in an understandable way with alternative treatment options that would save me dental problems in the future. 2th Second Opinion was money well-spent and I highly recommend it."

    Julie B., San Jose

  • "It's difficult to navigate the world of dental procedures; especially when moving dentists, I often find myself asking, "Does this actually need to be done?" It's stressful Using 2TH for a second opinion let me answer that question unequivocally. The dentist gave a clear, concise opinions on my x-rays and scheduled work. All follow-up questions were answered quickly and thoroughly. Honestly, if you have any doubts about a dental diagnosis, use 2TH; it's a no-brainer. 10/10 experience, would use 2TH again in a heartbeat. "

    Andy S., San Francisco

  • “My dentist diagnosed me with a cavity but I wanted to get a second opinion as I wasn’t fully convinced. I sent over copies of my x-ray and 2th confirmed the cavity. I felt so much better going into my filling appointment knowing it was something I truly needed.”

    Jenny Y.

  • “I chipped my molar back in 2012 and was managing it well (zero cavities) until I saw a new dentist in 2022. Even though it wasn’t causing me problems, this dentist told me I needed a crown so I went along with it. Then I found this site and learned that my tooth didn’t require a crown! I really appreciated hearing another professional’s unbiased opinion. I’ll never go without a second opinion again. Thank you, 2th!”

    Gretchen H.

  • “In the past I have felt like certain dental procedures have been pushed on me even though they were not required so that the dentist office could increase their profit. Getting a second opinion from 2TH has not only made it possible for me to avoid getting unnecessary work done but also gave me confidence to ask about other methods of care that may be less expensive or invasive.”

    Ashley W.

  • "2TH gave me a comprehensive review of my proposed treatment options and honest feedback. I also got peace of mind, an unbiased second opinion, and most importantly the confidence to continue the pursuit of finding the right dental office for me. Not only was I being over diagnosed, but 2TH also pointed out that I was being oversold treatments that were not necessary and would not have been covered by my insurer. I believe everyone should utilize 2TH when trying to navigate the tricky dental world to make more well informed decisions.”

    Tanya H., San Francisco